Trying to write a trollpasta... It's harder than I thought

"Do you have any ideas for a pokemon creepypasta? Please, anybody!" Said Yami
"I do!" said a random person, "but it was so horrible it made Laughing Jack cry, it made BEN Drowned commit suicide in a lake, it-"
"We understand! Now shut up and start talking!!" Yami growled.
"Okay, so this is real, believe me!" The person started, Yami sighed and started mumbling things like "Oh no, first sentence first cliche, Evil Patrixx please kill me"
"So I guas surfein' around ze internet cuz I had nothin' betta to doeeee!" The person continued, Yami crying to herself (Yes Yami is a she, deal with it). "Searching for pokemon games onlayne, n' I found an game with an creepay name, it was called, drummroollllllll... Pokemon blood red!" the person yelled, Yami started doing self-harm at this point. "And becausse I hav' nothein betta to do, I downloaded ettt! and guess what!" She yelled.
"Is there more?" Yami said, "YES THERE IZ!" the weird person, who Yami is not sure if it's a human anymore, continued, "GUEZ WAHT!" The person said, making everybody in the room yell yes. "Mai compo said ya shouldnt has dun dat" the person said, Yami tried to run away, but the person somehow stole the keys of the room and she couldn't escape, and she stole her pocket knife too, so she couldn't kill.
"And den I opened mai game, and it was playing LAVENDER TOWN SYDRUNN!" The person yelled, could he mispell more stuff? Could he say more cliches? "DEN A OLD MAN KILLED MAI SPIRITEEEE WITH HYPARR RALIASTAC BLOD AND SAID YO ARE NEXT, AND THEN THE DUDE TOOK HIS MASK OFF AND IT WAS....!" He continued.
"Please don't say evi-" Yami whispered to herself, "EVIL PATRIXXXXX!" the person yelled, "Iz it a good creepypasta?" he smiled innocently.
"I think I have a better site for your... Thing." Yami said, she grabbed her laptop and typed in a link, the trollpasta wiki. But, when she logged in.... The laptop turned off, then the screen turned blue, with a sequence of 6666666666666666666666666666666666666, a black, skeleton-like hand grabbed the person and said, "You.... How do you dare to put crap like this in internet!". "ITS NOT CRAP ITS LITERATOUR!" the person said. grabbing Yami's pocket knife and stabbing the thing.
"You never told me your name," Yami said. "ANONYMOUSSSS!" The person yelled, Yami sighed and started to write the trollpasta.
The thing that Yami doesn't know, is that... The person is....
"Now that Yami won't have a decent pokemon creepypasta... NOBODY WILL!!!!!!" the person said.
Many people (*Cough* Nobody *Cough*) Say, that if you try to do a decent pokemon creepypasta.... LOST WILL COME FOR YOU!
"You forgot a cliche," Yami said ironically. "Oh yeah, we were interns!" Lost silver said.
"No, another one" Yami said again, "Go to sleep?" Lost said again. "No!" Yami said. "Now I get it!" Lost said, "I'LL COME FOR YOU IN HALLOWEEN IF YOU SAY LOST SILVER 3 TIMES IN YOUR MIRROR!" Yami facepalmed, what's the lost cliche? Nobody knows.